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REflection on planning


Looking at my action plan, I can see that I am working fairly on target but am off by a couple days here and there, with one less week to make this film, I will have to make myself take less time on some tasks to stay on track or adjust my plans so the film takes less time to make overall.

In the context and research phases, I kept on track and managed to get everything I wanted done. I did go into the Easter holidays doing research to finish this off though. Starting the planning and production process, I am slightly off task in taking longer than I planned to create the narrative and character designs. I think I underestimated how long it would take to design and create references for the characters. I think I now need to make a few adjustments to my plan to make sure I can get this film done.

I've mostly been sticking to my GANNT chart in using it as a reference to set out daily tasks and goals of work to get done, I printed out a copy and have it under my whiteboard with more tasks on it. This helps me see what needs to be done in relation to the time I have left to do it.


revised action plan


I then created a revised version of my Action plan, thinking about what I had done and what I had left to do, adjusting the timeframes I'd given to complete certain tasks and allowing more or less time to what I saw fit. For example, I gave myself another few days to finish the character designs, and less to create the storyboards because now I think that after making the story idea, it shouldn't take too long to complete because some of the scenes are quite short. I plan to make the storyboard try to limit as much shots as possible, whilst still trying to make a smooth and flowing animation so the run time isn't very long. Hopefully this should make animating take less time and keep me on schedule.

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